Bollywood Actress The city police on Tuesday arrested actor Priyanka Chopra’s former business manager Prakash Jaju, accused of threatening and sending lewd messages to the film star, from Mhow in Madhya Pradesh.
Deputy commissioner of police (crime) Deven Bharti confirmed Jaju’s arrest. “Jaju will be brought to Mumbai on Wednesday morning and we will subsequently produce him before the metropolitan magistrate’s court at Esplanade.’’
Jaju was on the run after a sessions court rejected his anticipatory bail in 2006. Priyanka’s father Ashok Chopra had filed a complaint with the police after the accused sent threatening messages to both him and his daughter. A Mumbai police team, which went to MP in June 2006 to locate Jaju, returned empty-handed.
Jaju had filed a counter complaint with the Indore police, alleging that he had received threat calls. He even claimed that Priyanka and her father owed him Rs 1 crore.
Chopra had dismissed Jaju from the job in 2004 after which the latter allegedly started sending her lewd messages and demanding money. read last bollywood issue of Deepika Padukone